
“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on”

-Havelock Ellis

What is a Grief Coach

Coaching is the only co-creative partnership model: Let me find out what you know first.

Psychotherapy and counseling ascribe to the more hierarchical model: I know what you need. Grief Coaches have an expertise in deep active listening, to what is being said and not said. We ask questions to clarify your individual thinking to evoke new insights, needs, wants, beliefs, and companion alongside you through the process of sorrow without leading the way.

Navigating grief is the transition to mourning as you realize what your life will now be. This process should not be hurried. Sorrow is the counter-weight of love and therefore should be given the grace it deserves. To rest in the wound is to know it’s depth. In this way you honor the person who has died, and given yourself permission to authentically feel.

What is an End of Life Doula?

A Doula serves one individual/family at a time, providing non-medical, non-judgmental, holistic support and comfort for clients living with a terminal diagnosis, by companioning them emotionally, physically and spiritually, however that is uniquely defined by that person.

Long before the care of hospice becomes part of one’s support team, a Doula can begin an important relationship with someone unexpectedly facing their mortality. Later, they fill in the gaps left by chaplains, social workers, palliative-care teams and hospice services with so many other responsibilities.

An End-of-Life Doula can return a sense of the sacred to a process that has become more medicalized and less compassionate. Through meaning-directed life review and insight into the dying process, there can be a difference in how everyone involved experiences the final journey of life.

“That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet.”

- Emily Dickinson
