MIDEO-Advance Care Planning Educator
As an ACPE, I offer individuals who are living with a life-changing diagnosis and those perfectly healthy who also wish to plan ahead for the unexpected, a state-of-the-art digital document created by Pennsylvania emergency medicine specialist, Dr. Ferdinando L. Mirarchi.
Your MIDEO (My Informed Decision on vidEO) card resides in your wallet, is magnetized to your refrigerator, and is saved in your cell phone. A smart phone is used to access your QR code, providing your medically scripted wishes directly to the emergency healthcare staff when you cannot speak for yourself.
MIDEO is the first lifesaving, evidenced based technology, formulated from a scientific body of research called TRIAD (The Realistic Interpretation of Advance Directives). It is the only video Advance Directive and official Physician’s Order packaged in a usable format for the intended audience in a time of medical crisis.
My job is to guide you through the application process to make your appointment with a MIDEO physician that will take place via zoom. This physician makes sure your wishes are truly informed and that you understand your choices before scripting and recording your video.
MIDEO costs are dependent upon your insurance coverage. Many Managed Medicare, Medicare with supplemental insurance, and non-Medicare insurance plans cover the cost of Advance Directive Planning in-full or for a co-pay.
Appointment with me are available in-person, via phone or zoom.
MIDEO $349 My fee is $0.

"We must accept sadness as an appropriate, natural stage of loss."
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross