“We’re all just walking each other home.”

Ram Dass

Initial Consultation

This time together allows you to discern if I can indeed be of service to you, and offers me opportunity to gather your information and understand what you are asking for in me.

My Grief services are available as:

Peer-to-Peer: Parent Loss, Sibling Loss, Spousal Loss     Anticapatory Grief, Early Grief, Sudden Death, Complicated Grief, Delayed Grief

My Doula services are available for:

Those who simply wish to plan ahead in case they find themselves in crisis down the road                           Those who have recently been given a life-changing diagnosis                                                     Those who are nearing the end of their lives here

Complimentary (30 minutes - 1 hour)

Grief & Mourning

At its core, to guide, or coach, is a relationship designed to help you transform your life. It is a conversation between two people that evokes a thoughtful and creative platform for success.

As a Certified Grief Educator I am charged with supporting, and compassionately companioning clients through the meandering journey of grief and mourning. It takes away the feeling of being alone, out of the loss.

The death of a loved one changes us. Sometimes we pay attention. Sometimes we need to keep it at arm’s length for a while. At some point we have to do the work of grief if we want to learn how to live alongside it, into our new life with it.

The death of the life we know can also show up with a life-changing diagnosis even when the prognosis is survival. Undergoing cancer treatment not only affects us physically, it also weighs on us emotionally. There is an enemy moving inside us we are trying to kill, with a dreadful poison that wreaks havoc on our otherwise healthy body. The process alone is disturbing, painful and exhausting. Many suffer PTSD from the trauma of undergoing treatments and all those entail.

As a Certified Grief Educator, I can offer guidance and a unique space to be raw and messy, furious and lost, all that you need to be, freely.

$120 p/h

Life Review & Vigil Planning

Coming face to face with one’s mortality often creates a time of deep reflection that can evolve into the creation of something tangible to represent our life. During this time of Life Review, you may also realize you want to resolve a conflict, perhaps through forgiveness of one’s self or another person. You may discover profound gratitude, and long to reach out for deep connection with certain people. 

Planning your unique Vigil is the opportunity to design your final space. What would you love to be looking at or hearing, smelling or touching? Who do you want near you? Who do you not want to be with you? Are there rituals or celebrations you might wish for, to take place during and after your death?

  • Initial visit to hear your story and what matters most
  • Explore your life to bring meaning & awareness of the impact left
  • Development of a personal Vigil Plan
  • Follow your ongoing progress routinely
  • Initiate your Vigil Plan when death is near
  • Creation of ritual to mark the beginning and ending of each visit
$700(6 1-hour sessions)

Add-On Sessions

- Continue Life Review and Deeper Meaning Sessions $120 p/h
- Give you or your family additional respite care $120 p/h
- NTD - Nurturing Touch for the Dying:

This collection of techniques was developed by Elizabeth Erbrecht to be used specifically to physically connect with those ill or dying…to soothe both the body and the soul. $120 p/h

Letter Writing

I will return after dictation sessions with printed versions of letters ready for your signature. I can then mail them or distribute them to your loved ones at a later date $120 p/h

Guided Imagery Sessions

This relaxation method is often used to manage emotional anxiety or physical pain. After we have created the script, you may wish to experience our sessions alone or include special individuals. I can also teach anyone you like, to facilitate this technique in my absence. $120 p/h

$120 p/h

Also Offering

EOLD support and resources for you and your companion animals, from canine to equine, during illness, euthanasia, or natural dying.

My gift

"We must accept sadness as an appropriate, natural stage of loss."

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross